Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ellie Goulding and the Party Culture of Belgium

Belgium is often the host of many well known events and artists. Before I would not have expected such a small country to boast such various venues, but after discovering a certain part of the lifestyle I completely understand.

Party's. Belgians like party's and events. Even a simple dinner party or Rotary meeting turns into a long drawn out event! It's not just the youth who like to party!

Dinner party's always have five courses (appetizers, soup, main meal, dessert, coffee/tea and if it's a special occasion a cheese section will be added as well) and can last well until 11.

A routeen Rotary Club meeting will start around 6:30 and will last until 11 if not later. 

There are many “degustations” where many deserts are tasted, a shorter affair then a full meal but can also last for hours.

School party's start at around 9 and last until 3 in the morning.

In summer Belgium hosts many world renowned festivals which are the highlight of the youths vacations.

Kaela and I were invited to a birthday party and told our host parents it would probably be over at around 10 maybe 11. To our surprise we didn't get home until 2.

Like I said, Belgians like to party. So now I understand why they have so many diverse venues. I decided that while here I had to go to at least one concert. I decided on Ellie Goulding, a musician Kaela and I both like. We went together on Valentines day, which also happened to be my 6 month mark!

It was so super fun!

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