Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Three Wisemen and Some Romans

Epiphany is the 6th of January, a day to celebrate when the Wisemen finally arrived to worship the baby Jesus. In my host family the day was marked by moving the three figurines of the Wisemen to the manger to complete the nativity scene.

There was also the galette du roi. 

This wonderfully delicious tarte (pie) is almond based with a flaky crust that melts in your mouth. Yes, I quite like the desert! But this pie is more than what meets the eye; hidden inside the galette is a little figurine and whoever finds the piece is crowned the king! I have not yet become royalty, but I have been content enough just to eat!

I know this post truly has no grand point, so I might as well share another interesting tidbit about the history of Belgium: the reason it is devided in two language groups.

Supposedly, in the region where I am living, there used to be quite a bit of gold. Julius Ceaser heard of the riches and decided he would like some for himself. He came to the region and searched for the gold. The Belgians hid their gold, and he never did find what he wanted. But in his search for the treasure he ended up occupying just half of Belgium, Wallonia. Flanders was left untouched. Under Roman authority Walonia was influenced by the French and Romance languages, while the other side was left with the Germanic languages.

At least that's what my host parents said.

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