Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas in Belgium

It is the Christmas season in Belgium, but for me it feels little like what I have grown accustomed to in Pennsylvania. The climate and customs are quite different and left me a little shocked when it was Christmas Eve and I still felt like the holiday was far off.

In Belgium people do not decorate very much, even for the Christmas season. Most houses had no outdoor decorating, and what few ones did had very minimal lightening. Even the stores did not decorate much for the holiday or promote holiday prices.

The Christmas tunes I was used to hearing nonstop at least a week before Christmas were noticeably lacking. I heard barely any of those distinctive tunes. Everyone seemed to have that sort of attitude toward Christmas, they were excited for the day but it did not nearly consume their lives as it does in my home country.

The weather has been warm for a Belgium winter, and the weather has recently turned quite windy with grey clouds and rain. I am used to snow and cold during December, but in Belgium such weather comes later in the months of January or February.

Despite the distinct differences between the two countries, the holiday season was still very nice. There was wonderful food to eat, presents to exchange, laughter and talk between the family gathering. On Christmas Eve I went to mass with my host father and was able to focus my attention on what the holiday is ultimately about, the birth of Jesus.

I know it's late, but Merry Christmas to all!

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